Marine Ranger
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Marine Ranger
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Marine Ranger is a citizen science application enabling collection of information on opportunistic observations of live, injured or by-caught cetaceans (whales and dolphins) and other marine mammals.
The Mediterranean is home to 12 and and an occasional destination to 17 more marine mammal species.
Become an expert at recognising them at sea, learn how to identify their different behaviours and how you should behave to make the most of the encounter without disturbing the animals.
There are only so many marine biologists and researchers in the Mediterranean sea, with only so many boats. With your help, and the help of your friends you invite to download the Marine Ranger app, you can contribute significantly to better understanding of the Mediterranean sea, the whales, dolphins and other animals who inhabit it.
Take part monitoring marine mammals to improve research and help conservation efforts.
Share your marine sightings using the smartphone app.
Marine mammals are globally endangered, and everyone can help to protect them. By getting involved, sharing your observations, and following what others are reporting you can become immersed in daily issues of marine mammal conservation.
Larissa Clark, Co-Founder Free Range Ocean