Birds with Fish
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Birds with Fish
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Seabirds are excellent indicators of marine health.
Studying their diets can improve understanding of local ocean conditions.
Step aboard BIRDSwithFISH, an Oregon based community-sources photography project .
They invite seasoned nature photographers to share their snapshots of birds clutching fish along its shoreline and estuaries.
These images will help to boost research efforts at the Oregon State University’s Hatfield Marine Science Center to gain a greater understanding of marine health and local ocean conditions.
Learn about what the diets of Oregon’s coastal avian species tell us about our oceans.
Upload pictures of coastal Oregon birds that have fish, crabs, squid, octopus or other marine invertebrates in their bills or talons.

Brain-child of Noah Dolinajec for his graduate project, Birds with Fish is a great way for photographers to use their skills in scientific research and learn more about their local wildlife community.

Beth Dunstan, Volunteer, Free Range Ocean