The Marine Mammal Center in Sausalito, California is celebrating 50 years of creating a healthy ocean for marine mammals and humans alike!
🌊With ocean conditions rapidly changing, this work is more important than ever!
We left FREERANGER in the KKMI yard having some work on the propeller and visited to learn more about the ways they advance ocean health through marine mammal rescue and rehabilitation, research, and education.
It was exciting to learn more about many of the marine mammals we have seen so often this summer between BC and California.
The center is the world's biggest marine hospital and since 1975, they've rescued more than 26,000 marine mammals along 600 miles of California coastline and the Big Island of Hawai'i. There are over 40 marine mammals there at the moment. One - a California Sea Lion - was being rescued while we were there!
🐟 We got to watch the “fish smoothies” being prepared and the researchers in the lab examining tests from four post mortems that had just been completed with preliminary causes being toxic poisoning and a shark bite 😳
There were lovely educational and interactive displays and with over 1,300 volunteers there was always someone to ask our questions.
Plus their website is packed with educational information and research papers to learn more from 🔬
A highly recommended visit for all ages.
Find out more here.
And check out our directory of marine mammal citizen science projects you can be involved in here